HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is very common and can be caught through vaginal or anal sex. As it is so common, most people will be infected at some point in their life.
Due to HPV being so common people are often infected without knowing it and there are usually no symptoms. HPV does not cause cervical cancer in every one who has it although it increases the risk. Some types of HPV cause genital warts.
You don’t need to be treated for HPV itself but you should get regular cervical smear tears to detect any changes that might lead to cervical cancer. Genital warts caused by HPV are diagnosed by examination and do not require a HPV test.
There is an HPV vaccine available for men who have sex with men (MSM). Further information about this can be found on the PrEP section of our website. HPV vaccine is already given to teenage girls in schools and this is soon to be made available to teenage boys.