
Thrush is a very common infection caused by yeast, also called candida. This usually lives harmlessly on skin and in the mouth, gut and vagina. This usually causes no problems but under certain conditions the yeast multiples causing some uncomfortable symptoms. Around three quarters of women will experience thrush during their lifetime.


Thrush is not usually transmitted sexually but having sex can irritate the vagina and make the symptoms more noticeable.

For some women they can experience recurrent thrush which becomes more troublesome. This can happen for no apparent reason. Other causes of thrush include, taking a course of antibiotics, using perfumed products to clean the vagina and wearing tight fitting trousers. Thrush can also affect men.


Symptoms of thrush include itching, soreness and swelling around the genital area, a thick white discharge and burning discomfort during sex.


A Doctor/Nurse may be able to confirm you have thrush just by your symptoms or they may take a swab to test for thrush.


There are a few treatments for thrush. You can apply a cream to the affected area, insert a pessary or take a tablet orally to help get rid of your symptoms.